TerryH 发表于 2012-3-23 16:02   全显示 1楼
in term of activities, it depends on are that you are living in.
each region is completely different.
you can go for surfing if you live close to the beach.
ski/snowboarding if live close to the mountain.
fishing/kayaking if you got a river nearly

However, if you are talking about the social life.
then it is depends on your attitude.
if you are very passive you might find it very boring.

base on my experience, you have to sociallize with people other than chinese.
if you can social with white people, and be friend with them.
you can have a lot of fun in parties. however, it might not be a good idea to have too many party consider your goal is study.

the point is. you need to socialize with white people.
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